Blogger Layouts

Senin, 26 Desember 2011

That's the last time I saw his face
Watching 'Breaking Dawn' with him
Sat beside him
Smell of his perfume
Listened to his bass voice
And it made me feel like I'm the luckiest woman in this world <3

But now...
There's no more left
He went away from my life
Leaving too much memories
Now i'm holding on for nothing
Holding on for those memories he even won't remember
Sang together and looked at each other
Dinner together
Talked like we has already known each other for a long time

Those September and November's memories had killed me slowly
He never know what i'm feeling
He didn't notice it
He didn't know how hard I've trying to forget everything about him
And finally I've realized that I can't
Maybe I'm the most stupid woman who ever trust that falling in love at the first sight is real


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