Blogger Layouts

Minggu, 04 September 2011

About Tommy

The first time I update my blog in the morning..lols..I don't go to office bcause just now there was a heavy rain outside there. Anw, today's Tommy's bday..haha I still remember bout him, last year we knew each other. We've ever closed for a month, but it didn't last in relationship haha..He always remember bout his ex,that's why I don't wanna be with him..I don't wanna be an excuse for him.. After that our relation become sister & brother, i don't know who's the owner of that stupid idea,as I know Tommy's just 19. It means that he's older 1 year than me..Is it important if i called him 'brother' or not? The last time he looking for me was about 6 months ago, he told me not to called him brother anymore because he wants our relation more than just a 'brother&sister' . As I said before, I've never trust his feeling. I know he still remember bout his ex. So I asked him what relation did he want? Guess what..he was speechless.. He can't say anything. I think he was afraid to made a commitment with me. After that conversation, we've never looking for each other anymore..And my conclusion is Tommy's not good enough for me :D

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