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Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Last Day

Today's the last XD
Last day of February
Last day of my existence in office
Haven't told you that i've given my resign letter since 3 weeks ago (so lame)
and my manager asked me to stay till the last day of this month
Hell yeaaa
But time flies so fast
These more than 3 months gave me so much memories to remember
from the bitterest one until the sweetest one
Thank's Alfa Scorpii for this more than 3 months experience
I'll remember it
Anyway, tomorrow is the first day of March!
New month, new spirit
My March wish are :
Hair getting longer and thicker
Body getting skinnier
Become a better person
Mommy & Daddy stay healthy & wealthy
and the last is.......
Move on...yeah, I hope I can forget him step by step :)

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