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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Girl in your dreams

I was walking down the street one day
Then I saw u,i didn't know what to say
Your eyes were shining,your smile was so kind
When i saw u,i want u to be mine

Maybe i don't have the blonde hair u like
or maybe i don't have eyes like the sky
And i'm not sure if i'm a girl in your dreams
but i can show u what love means

Wad a familiar boy :D has been a week i didn't post anything in my blog..So damn busy :p Tb" k'ingat mgu lalu pas hang oud di Sun bareng SK,Mar,Yul,WM,Juan n 3 others ketemu seseorang.Pas itu lagi pisah sama yg laen,trus gw,yul ma mar mejengs d Jco,waktu duduk" nmpk sekumpulan org duduk seberang gw,maybe 4 org gitu lah,ada 3 cowo sama 1 cewe,1 d'antara cowo itu ada yg mukanya familiar bgt LOLS.Karna ngerasa kenal yah gw liatin cowo itu,trus yg parahnya dy jg liad k arah gw.Kayaknya dy jg lagi mikir kalo perna ngeliat gw. Trus gw blg sama marga n yul "eh,muka cowo itu mirip si R ya",si marga blg "Mana ada,beda jau x,mirip huana",ga lama kemudian gw liad cowo itu ngerokok,gayanya waktu ngerokok itu asli bikin gw ilfeel ugghhh.Seems like he's so proud of himself while smoking.Akhirnya gw sama yg laen cabut dari Jco trus ke 21 buat nntn.Malamnya gw iseng" ol fb trus liad" fb org..guess wad?i find him in my friend list.Trus gw baru nyadar kalo nama blkg na sama kayak si R,shock kali lah gw,ga nyangka kalo itu sodaranya(pdhl mukanya mmg mirip sii) :p

Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Bout my feelings

Tomorrow we'll hang out together like usual.SK will go with WM,Marga also go with her Jo,me n Yul will walk together Lols.Just now Marga asked me to go with J(someone i can't tell boud),i told her that me n J r friends only,not more.Then she asked me why,i told her dat J never serious with me,he gave up when i test how deep was his feeling for me,i try to be a little cool and busy so i seldom reply his chat.And the result is he's more than enough to show me dat he even didn't care.WHY I SHOULD CARE WHEN HE DIDN'T EVEN CARE?it's not important for me.Now,i try to go back to my old habit,life alone XD i love it so much,i don't have to care too much to someone.Honestly,it's hard for me to believe in a man again.It's hurt.For me,all boys/man are just d same..FAKE & FULL OF BULLSHIT.It makes me really feel disgusting.It's better to leave alone like this,nobody will hurt me or cheat on me...dat's wad i feel....So,i keep trying to close my heart for everyone.I won't anybody break it.

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

me and Jer @steveny's sweet 17th party XD

diz photo reminds me of my sweet 17th b'day party on September 19,2010

Office's life XD

Yeah,today i've got my first salary,although it's just a little but i'm so satisfied of it.I got it with my own hand n effort.But after arrived home i feel no mood at all.I don't know why,i try to turn it back with take a nap till 7 o'clock.U should know,i take my nap by using my office uniform Lols..after that i take  bath then ask mommy to buy some nasi padang for me.After have my dinner,my mood turn into normal again hahaha so freak! bdw,i just remember that just now fera told me that i've made some fault again when input d kwitansi,d date is perfectly wrong.Idk why but seems dat i've already set d date this morning when i turned on d PC.wad a fvkin PC.Coz of that,Dewi used to write a memo again to tell bou dat fault then give d memo to Back Office pity.But so far i enjoy my work,it's not very difficult.I always laugh everyday coz there's always some freak n stupido moments in my office,not only from us(CS) but also from the teacher n the students.Hope dat i'll stay there with them...Thx God,I love them so much :)

Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Wad a sweet farewell.i miss this moment damn much :(

Simple day

Nothing goes wrong today..everything goes easily n perfectly. Fera told me that maybe tomorrow i'll get my salary LOLS..i'm so happy to hear it :D although it's not my full salary but only 8 days,i feel so happy..First salary,d first time I earned money with my own hands's awesome for me.Now,there's nothing more important than my family n my work.I don't care wad people say boud the single me.For me,single isn't that bad.It means that God is preparing someone's better for me and safe me from the bad choices.Whatever,i;m proud of being single..Now,my target is earn money as many as I can and make my parents proud of me :)

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

What a messy Tuesday's so messy for me,i've done too many fault for these two days at my office..I think dat i need some refreshing for this weekend..fiuh..but,i'm glad to see him today..ahahaha..he came to my house just now,i'm proud of being his friend,he has already 24 years old but he has a mature brain n character..from the very start till d end of conversation he keep talking about his work n carreer.I think he is quite good enough.Good boy :)

Senin, 18 Juli 2011

New Blog XD

Ayeah..diz is my new blog n also d first time i'm blog-ing LOLS..hope dat this blog will be my best friend n everyone who's read my blog will enjoy it,too XD