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Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Office's life XD

Yeah,today i've got my first salary,although it's just a little but i'm so satisfied of it.I got it with my own hand n effort.But after arrived home i feel no mood at all.I don't know why,i try to turn it back with take a nap till 7 o'clock.U should know,i take my nap by using my office uniform Lols..after that i take  bath then ask mommy to buy some nasi padang for me.After have my dinner,my mood turn into normal again hahaha so freak! bdw,i just remember that just now fera told me that i've made some fault again when input d kwitansi,d date is perfectly wrong.Idk why but seems dat i've already set d date this morning when i turned on d PC.wad a fvkin PC.Coz of that,Dewi used to write a memo again to tell bou dat fault then give d memo to Back Office pity.But so far i enjoy my work,it's not very difficult.I always laugh everyday coz there's always some freak n stupido moments in my office,not only from us(CS) but also from the teacher n the students.Hope dat i'll stay there with them...Thx God,I love them so much :)

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